

In this section I will execute a quick overview without stopping in specific cases.

As it appears at startup

Basic example.
I do not know the returns and even prices but only the signal of the trading system.
For the price I choose a code by yahoo


example of output

 random-data  example

paste data from excel or read a file is the same thing
digest many junk data

synchronizes dates and adds the missing

...and more!

As long as the guide is completed, some examples of data entry are shown here   (italian language)

You can send orders in any bank simulating keystrokes
and sending can also be done by vba excel with 1 line of code

SaveSetting "aggregatore", "tradedafare", 1, Now & "1,0,1"

or by filling a text file (tradedafare.txt) with the same string (date and time, 0,0,0) and placed in the program folder

By extension it is possible to analyze some current accounts.
There is no limits if you compose a text file

with generic file

For fun I added a function to compute cycles through pass-band filter and  Hodrick Prescott.

even just for fun I added 2 strategies machine learning in real-time (forex and indices)

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